Support Us

The Harbor City Music Company Show Chorus is 50+ year old volunteer/member-run not-for-profit organization. Our Mission is to provide learning and performing opportunities that will enable all members to develop higher quality musical performance skills. Our members provide the bulk of our financial means through their dues and by paying their own way to our performances and competitions. We have sustained the balance of our budget with small grants from arts organizations and with fundraising events that support our community like our golf tournaments, bull roasts and chorus shows. We have designed this new fundraising program to help stay connected with our fans, friends and family and to help defray performance and competition costs. We invite you to support our mission and helping us bring music to your community.



HCMC is now participating in the AmazonSmile Program where Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to charitable organizations (aka HCMC we hope) selected by the customers. This program can be utilized by chorus members, friends, and family members who shop on Amazon either occasionally or on a regular basis – so pass the link on!

When you are ready to make a purchase off Amazon please use this link:

PLEASE NOTE: when you sign in using this link it will say “Your shopping will support Sweet Adelines International” and there are likely many other SAI choruses utilizing this great fundraising opportunity, however by using this exact link the donations will come to HCMC.

Questions? Contact Us at [email protected]